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Executive Secretary Alliance for Christian Advocacy Africa, Reverend Dr. Kwabena Opuni Frimpong, has shot down assertions that the Church is under siege following the recent directive on prophecies by the Ghana Police Service.

The Police Service in two separate statements, within the space of two weeks, cautioned men of God to be wary of prophecies that could cause fear and panic amongst members of the society.

Citing the country’s laws, the initial statement said, “it is a crime for a person to publish or reproduce a statement, rumour or report which is likely to cause fear and alarm to the public or to disturb the public peace, where that person has no evidence to prove that the statement, rumour or report is true.”

In the most recent statement, the police said men of God found to have acted in breach of the caution against doom prophecies will be hauled before the courts after they analyse videos in their possession.

“Following this initiative, multiple video footages have come to our attention regarding the communication of prophecies on the night of 31st December 2021.

“Police have begun analysing these videos to ascertain whether any of them is in breach of the laws of the country and anybody found culpable will be put before court,” part of the statement read.

The directive has sparked a debate with some individuals and clergymen suggesting that it is an attack on the Christian religion.

However, Reverend Dr. Opuni Frimpong disagrees.

He believes such directive from the police will rather help preachers of the Gospel refine their practice and be able to better serve its members and society at large.

“You can’t go round and say that young lady will be raped and you mention her name…. that somebody will be gunned down and in this case somebody’s husband, somebody’s father somebody’s son will be gunned down and you think in the name of God….in the name of spiritual gift, you are right…you cannot be right. Moving forward, I will like to recommend that the various faith-based organisations especially churches must strengthen our legal departments.

“Some of us have legal department attached to our various churches so that things that we have taken for granted over the years, we must know that moving forward, it’s not like somebody is persecuting us but the Police service and others are helping us refine our performance and serve our church members and others better. It is for our own good and it is for the glory of God and it will serve the Ghanaians public better,”